
Wednesday, May 26, 2004

What is Faith? 

One of the ads on my off-blogger, blog archive was for a book about faith.
Jay Snell (the author) says faith is a noun, but belief is a verb.

This book is another one of those faith-healing, "word-of-faith" genre, but it starts with an interesting word study, so let's consider these thoughts for a moment...

Quoting from the book...
Faith is information that you receive from God for you to act upon. This information enables you to know in advance what God is going to do in the future concerning a given issue or course of action. This information also enables you to know what you are to do in this course of action concerning this given issue.

Faith is a noun. It is information. It is something you have. Believe is a verb. It is something you do. You get a set of instructions or information from God which becomes your faith and then you act upon that information. Your acting is your believing. You do not believe in the Biblical sense without acting on your faith.

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